The Schwartz-Reisman competition is held annually since 2013: Projects, submitted by the students, summarize a year-long effort in the Schwartz-Reisman unique "Computational Science" Program.
Prof. Daniel Zajfman, the president of the Weizmann Institute, who headed the judging panel, said to one of the winners:
"Noa's project was the best project ever presented by a student in this competition. I want Noa to join the Weizmann Institute". We are very proud of our students’ projects in the Computational Science course, which is aimed at the best students in Israel.
Computational Science teachers choose up to three projects from each grade – 10th, 11th, and 12th. Students are invited to submit abstracts (click on the link above) in English.
About two weeks before the competition, the projects are delivered to the referees-panel.
These works are submitted by groups of up to three students. Graduates that are unable to attend, may present their project via a video clip. The scope of the work should reflect the number of students who participated in creating it. About a week before the competition the students attend a public speaking and proper presentation workshop.
During the final event, representatives present their projects (up to 7 minutes) to the referees-panel and the audience. In each grade, all three projects are awarded prizes: first prize, second prize, and third prize.
• Innovation and creativity.
Content: scientific accuracy.
• Clarity of the written presentation: clear, well understood and esthetic form of the written project.
• Quality of the oral presentation
First stage: scoring of the written work before the competition. Scores are given for the first two criteria.
Second stage: assessing the oral presentation during the finals – including questions by the referees. After the presentations, the panel convenes to discuss the scores and decide on the winners.
Schwartz-Reisman staff - teachers and supporting team, family members of the contestants, students, representatives of the ministry of education and Tel-Aviv Yaffo municipality, representatives of the Tel-Aviv Foundation, the donors and their representatives.
Prof. Daniel Zajfman, Physics Researcher, President of the Weizmann Institute of Science and Chairman of the Executive Council of the Schwartz-Reisman Center.
Prof. Yossi Nir, head of the physics and astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science.
Prof. Bat-Sheva Eilon, Weizmann Institute of Science.