Schwartz-Reisman competition

The Schwartz-Reisman competition is held annually since 2013: Projects, submitted by the students, summarize a year-long effort in the Schwartz-Reisman unique "Computational Science" Program.

Prof. Daniel Zajfman, the president of the Weizmann Institute, who headed the judging panel, said to one of the winners:

"Noa's project was the best project ever presented by a student in this competition. I want Noa to join the Weizmann Institute". We are very proud of our students’ projects in the Computational Science course, which is aimed at the best students in Israel.

Schwartz-Reisman Competition abstracts 

The competition procedure:

Computational Science teachers choose up to three projects from each grade – 10th, 11th, and 12th. Students are invited to submit abstracts (click on the link above) in English.

About two weeks before the competition, the projects are delivered to the referees-panel.

These works are submitted by groups of up to three students. Graduates that are unable to attend, may present their project via a video clip. The scope of the work should reflect the number of students who participated in creating it. About a week before the competition the students attend a public speaking and proper presentation workshop.

During the final event, representatives present their projects (up to 7 minutes) to the referees-panel and the audience. In each grade, all three projects are awarded prizes: first prize, second prize, and third prize.

Scoring criteria:

• Innovation and creativity.
Content: scientific accuracy.
• Clarity of the written presentation: clear, well understood and esthetic form of the written project.
• Quality of the oral presentation

Scoring is given in two stages:

First stage: scoring of the written work before the competition. Scores are given for the first two criteria.

Second stage: assessing the oral presentation during the finals – including questions by the referees. After the presentations, the panel convenes to discuss the scores and decide on the winners.

The audience in the finals:

Schwartz-Reisman staff - teachers and supporting team, family members of the contestants, students, representatives of the ministry of education and Tel-Aviv Yaffo municipality, representatives of the Tel-Aviv Foundation, the donors and their representatives.

2019 Competition Judges:

Prof. Daniel Zajfman, Physics Researcher, President of the Weizmann Institute of Science and Chairman of the Executive Council of the Schwartz-Reisman Center.

Prof. Yossi Nir, head of the physics and astrophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science.

Prof. Bat-Sheva Eilon, Weizmann Institute of Science.